The Pope on Christ the King 2012–God builds his kingdom even in the Vicissitudes of History

“The entire mission of Jesus and the content of His message consists in proclaiming the Kingdom of God and establishing it among men through signs and wonders”, the Pope said. “But, as Vatican Council II observes, ‘the Kingdom is first manifested in the very person of Christ’, a kingdom He founded through His death on the cross and resurrection, by which He is revealed as the eternal Lord, Messiah and Priest. This Kingdom of Christ has been entrusted to the Church, which is the ‘seed’ and ‘beginning’ and has the task of proclaiming it and spreading it among all the nations with the power of the Holy Spirit. At the end of the determined time the Lord will hand over the Kingdom to God the Father and present to Him all those who have lived according to the commandment of love. … We are all called to extend the salvific work of God, converting to the Gospel and committing ourselves to serving the King Who came not to be served but to serve and give testimony to the truth”.

Read it all.


Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Christology, Other Churches, Pope Benedict XVI, Roman Catholic, Theology